Munich International
Patent Law Conference
The International Reach of Patens
24 June 2016

Munich International Patent Law Conference 2016 topic outline:
The International Reach of Patents
The 2016 conference topic „The International Reach of Patents“ referred to the question whether a patent for a territory can be infringed by acts, e. g. offers for sale, putting into circulation, and the like, that are being committed outside of that territory for which the patent confers protection.
Since the German Federal Supreme Court’s famous decisions “Funkuhr (radio clock) I and II” of 2002 and 2007, German courts have consistently reached across German borders holding liable entities that had contributed to patent infringements in Germany by committing acts in patent free territories.
Example: If A sells a product that is patented in Germany to B, who is domiciled in Austria, knowing and accepting that B would later import this product into Germany, German courts are holding A liable for the infringement that is later going to happen in Germany. This means, that although A has not committed any infringing act in Germany, A under German law nevertheless is liable for patent infringement that later has occurred in Germany.
The conference 2016 aimed at exploring how the jurisdictions represented by speakers are handling this situation, namely the UK, France, the US and Spain.

Christoph Ann
TUM Professor of Law
Technical University of Munich, Germany

Marie-Christine Courboulay
Tribunal de Grande Instance,
Paris, France

Joachim Feldges
Attorney at Law
Allen & Overy, Germany

Peter Gunz
Former Presiding Judge
Regional Court Munich I, Germany

His Honor Judge Richard Hacon
Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC), London, United Kingdom

Johannes Heselberger
Attorney at Law, European Patent Attorney
Bardehle Pagenberg, Germany

Hans-Joachim Heßler
Regional Court Munich I, Germany

Ángel Galgo Peco
Presiding Judge
District Court of Appeal, Madrid, Spain

James L. Robart
Federal Judge
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, Seattle, USA

Cornelia Rudloff-Schäffer
German Patent and Trademark Office

Matthias Zigann
Presiding Judge
Regional Court Munich I, Germany

Carsten Zülch
Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court, Germany

Ludwig von Zumbusch
Attorney at Law
Preu Bohlig, Germany
- +49 -89 - 289 28662
Munich International Patent Law Conference